Start with a HTML Template from the internet. Some good places to start: * * 1) Download the zip file to the "amadeus/themes/" folder / move it there 2) Extract the folder to themes so that the subfolder contains "index.html" Rename the folder to add hyphens before new words and remove capitals. For eg: BizLand should become biz-land (we prefer lowercase for urls so all folder/file names should follow that rule) 3) Save the index.html as header.php Use a code editor like PSPad to edit the php, html, css, js files 4) Search for and replace the line with: <title><?php title(); ?> 5) Search for: and replace with (a single) and add this line just after that 6) search for "assets and replace with "assets * some themes use directly css/ and js/ folders and this may need to be treated separately 7) Search for all the css/js files in the file. This is either in the head or just before . After it, add the line: 8) Before the tag ends, add the line 9) If supporting multiple folders (_imran, _healing etc), Replace the body tag with 10) LOGO / Link to home page line should look something like this: <?php echo cs_var('name'); ?> 11) Search for the Menu In, its usually within this tag